My First IEP

Family Resource Navigators Presents: MY FIRST IEP Date: May 7, 2025 Time: 9:30-11AM Location: Zoom Description: This workshop provides an introduction to the special education process for parents/guardians, caregivers, and professionals. Understand where it starts, possible barriers, and what to…

Como Obtener Servicios Relacionados en el IEP de su Hijo

Family Resource Navigators Presenta: Como Obtener Servicios Relacionados en el IEP de su Hijo Fecha: 6 de Febrero 2025 Hora: 9:30AM Via Zoom Descripcion: ¿Qué es un servicio relacionado? ¿Dónde están documentados los servicios relacionados en el documento IEP? ¿Puedo…

Turning Three Workshop

Family Resource Navigators Presents: Turning Three Workshop Date: March 10, 2025 Time: 12:00-1:00PM Location: Zoom Description: This workshop is for caregivers and professionals who want to learn about the transition from Early Start to Preschool. ReGISTER HERE More Information: Lilian…

Cumpliendo Los Tres

Family Resource Navigators Presenta: Cumpliendo Los Tres Fecha: 12 de Marzo 2025 Hora: 10:00-11:30AM Dirección: 101 Callan Ave, Suite 200 San Leandro, CA 94577 Descripcion: Esta capacitacion es para padres y cuidadores de niños que quieran aprender acerca de la…

IEP Basics (Arabic)

Family Resource Navigators Presents: IEP Basics Date: April 10, 2025 Time: 11am-1pm Location: Zoom Description: What you need to know What is the purpose of an IEP meeting? Who attend the IEP meeting? How to prepare for the IEP meeting.…

IEP 101 – Understanding the IEP and Advocating for Your Child

IEP 101 – Understanding the IEP and Advocating for Your Child Date: Marcu  5, 2025 Time: 7:00PM-8:30PM Location: Zoom Description: This presentation highlights the importance of parents as a part of their child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Understand the relationship…

Transition into Middle School & High School

download FLYER TRANSITION TO MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL Date: April 2, 2025 Time: 7:00PM-8:30PM Location: Zoom Description: This presentation will provide an overview on what to expect when a child in special education, who has an Individualized Education Plan…

Let’s Learn about Recreation

Are you wondering what your child will be doing this summer? Come learn about inclusive and other recreation opportunities for kids with developmental, learning or special health care needs. Learn how RCEB can pay for year round programs and aides…

我的第一个 IEP My First IEP (Mandarin)

Overview 家 庭 資 源 導 航 呈 現 Family Resource Navigators Presents: 我的第一個IEP MY FIRST IEP 日期:2025年5月20日 via Zoom 時間:上午10:00 – 11:30 描述: 本研討會向家長/監護人、照顧者和專業人士介紹個人化教育計畫 (IEP) 流程。 了解它從哪裡開始、可能的障礙以及在第一次 IEP 會議上的期望。 更多資訊: Famly Resource Navigators (510) 547-7322 selinaz@familyresourcenavigators.org   Register

Comportamiento y Planes de Conducta

Discutiremos estrategias para manejar conductas en el entorno escolar. Aprenda a crear planes de comportamiento e intervenciones eficaces para apoyar el éxito de los estudiantes. 9:30-11am For more information & to register, please call or email FRN: 510.547.7322 or  Register

Transición a escuela media y Escuela secundaria

Esta presentación proporcionará una descripción general de qué esperar cuando un niño en educación especial, que tiene un Plan de Educación Individualizado (IEP), hace la transición a la escuela intermedia o secundaria9:30-11 AM FRN: 510.547.7322  Register

Mi Primer IEP

Una introducción al processo educación especial 9:30-11:00AM FRN: 510.547.7322  Register

从小学过渡到初中和高中 Transition to MS and HS (Mandarin)

从小学过渡到初中和高中 📅 日期: 2025年4月15日(星期二) 🖥 方式: Zoom 在线会议 ⏰ 时间: 上午 10:00 – 11:30 📖 活动简介: 本次讲座将概述特殊教育学生(拥有个别化教育计划 IEP)在过渡到初中或高中时可能遇到的变化和需要注意的事项。510.547.7322  Register

学校中的行为与行为计划 Behavior and Behavior Plans (Mandarin)

欢迎参加学校中的行为与行为计划! 加入我们的互动在线活动,一起探讨在学校环境中管理学生行为的策略。您将学习如何制定有效的行为计划和干预措施,以支持学生的成功。无论您是教师、行政人员还是家长,本次活动都将为您提供宝贵的见解和实用工具,帮助促进学校中的积极行为。 . 10am-11:30am FRN: 510.547.7322 Register

Post-secondary transition for special education students

Post Secondary Transition in an overview of the process of transitioning from school to adult life for students in special education. This training will cover IDEA requirements for post-secondary transition, as well as the resources and programs that may be…

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